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Friday, June 1, 2007

When Men Become Ungrateful...

When men become ungrateful, they are never poorer;

When men become ungrateful, they tend to be greedy;

When men become greedy, they are hard to be pleased, constantly thinking that they are more superior than others despite the fact that they are heading the wrong path of life;

When men become ungrateful, they are fast to judge a good advice as jealous criticism;

When men become ungrateful, they will achieve their goals by all means, mercilessly removing their closest friends who obstruct their way;

When men become ungrateful, they will feel lonely, yet defending their egoism and instead seek for God’s company;

When men become ungrateful, the God will reluctantly answer their every call for their prayers are full of hatred and they pray with a subtle mind;

When men become ungrateful, there is no one in this world who can help them other than Mister Humble;

When men become ungrateful, they try to become Niccollo Machiavelli, but turn out to be a pathetic imitation of this legendary opportunist;

When men become ungrateful, they lose their humanity;

When men become ungrateful, they are selfish;

When men become ungrateful, they will mechanically point fingers to others whenever a problem crops up;

When men become ungrateful, they try their very best to defend their dignity, yet denying others of their rights;

When men become ungrateful, they are just a bunch of sarcastic hooligans, seeking support and agreement from innocent beings;

When men become ungrateful, that’s when they lose sense of the meaning of life, trust, friends, dignity and self-conscience;

When men become ungrateful, their hearts are as hard as diamond;

When men become ungrateful, they try to be clever and smart, but others with true sight ridicule them as cunning foxes who are too retarded to understand the definition of ethical and moderation;

When men become ungrateful, they have more friends than foes, not knowing that their so-called friends will pawn on them at their most vulnerable time;

When men become ungrateful, the surrounding people cannot help but give out a sigh of disappointment;

When men become ungrateful, it is indeed very scary.

So, friends out there…… Be grateful of what you have. All of us have goals to be achieved and fulfilled in life, but please do have a wise approach, or else at the end of the day, you will lose much more than what you can gain.

Cheers... -ZhaoMing-

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