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Sunday, July 8, 2007

A "Photogenic" Semester 2 in INTEC

Sunset in Cendana Hostel ^_^... I will surely miss you!!!

Me and Enthusiastic Classmates


Ethics Studies @_@
Darn Boring.....zzzZZZ


Let me Introduce you.... Johnson's Study Table!

And this is Johnson...! Haha. Sorry dude, don't want to waste any pics... Probably next time I will do a 'before' and 'after' ya. Then, we help the cosmetic company to promote their product. :-)

In the Study Room

Huh.... What the heck!!! Study means study? No toilet???

I wonder if this aircond was made in the North pole... I was freezing duh..

Messy Mess......

Ever Heard of CHICKEN FRENZY???

bet you don't....

I don't understand what it is about either... Just know this "unholy" and unhygienic frenzy involves processing and cooking of chicken....erm... beside the drain!

I REPEAT.... It was done beside the D-R-A-I-N !!!

This RM2000++ proposal was suprisingly approved by INTEC

HAHA... And it was held in Cendana!

Ewh.... There's no other place to do the washing and processing???!

The rest is left to all readers to imagine and elaborate. I didn't even dare to take one piece of chicken that day although I had paid for it.


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