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Monday, November 26, 2007

Students Under Stress?

A 12-year-old student died after the recent Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah results.
Not too long ago, a student of a university took her own life for a similar reason, but after a while, the attention faded.
What's going on with the Asians? Since when do we learn the Japanese suicidal style...? Is the way of reducing stress really constructed on the correct basis, rightfully and lawfully? Or it is just a game of mere ill mental health among students...?
Certainly, now is not the time to point fingers at anyone. However, if the blame game did start, the first one to be hit should well be the education system itself.
Our education system has become too examination-orientated. I can understand how stressful it is because one's future depends on how well one performs during the examination though I personally doubt both are closely related. Should one fall sick, one may not perform well even though one may have had ample preparation.
Should we use examination results as the sole yardstick to measure a student's success in life? Why are we so wedded or disillusioned to the idea that everyone has to achieve something to be someone?
Every child is special in his or her own way. He or she may not be the smartest student in his school or the most talented sportsman,but if the child has an excellent character, that is by itself worth much more than any number of distinctions. There is no need to compare or compete.
There just needs to be a change in perspective in the way we view success and failure.
As the saying goes, "the difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is the way we view it".
More importantly, we need to realise that it is the process, not the result, that matters most. How much a child learns and grows from his educational experiences is far more important than what he gets in examinations.


ej said...

^_^ i know some really scary singaporeans here. who are totally on a different level when compared to malaysians in terms of being 'exam-oriented'.

ZM said...

Yah... We, Asians, are high-ranking in terms of kiasuism. Though it frequently annoys you, be proud to be an Asian. Hehe... ^_^ Sometimes I do pity those Singaporeans who become slaves of their own edu system. However, if you manage to excel well in their edu system, you will definitely be appreciated by the Singapore government despite your race or religion. Now, that's the transparency and fairness we mean... :)