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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Hopeful New Year

And so it ends... Everything, which has a start, has an end. It's a cycle that never ends... They say that at the end of every year, there are always major disasters such as tsunami. And for 2007, it's the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, who is the last bloodline of the Bhutto's family. My condolence to the people of Pakistan. Much to the irony, this day, which is the beginning of year 2008, I can simply feel the heat of a forthcoming disaster. The heat is so immense that I just cannot simply ignore it. Here I explain why...

This new year is going to be a tough year... At least for me, it's a year of transition from INTEC to IMU... (from A-Levels to Degree).
Wonder if I will ever get adapted to the new learning style and environment in IMU...
Wonder if I can ever pass my A-Levels with 15 points (or at least 12)...
Wonder if I can always be me...
Wonder if I can resolve till the end of 2008...
Wonder if I can be someone with greater purpose...
I wonder......I ponder.

Can anyone answer my doubts? Can anyone reaffirm me?

... most importantly, can I???

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