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Monday, November 26, 2007

Holiday Movies Berserk

Had watched....
Alien 1
Alien 2
Alien 3
Alien 4
Heroes Season 2
Wild Hogs
Ghost Rider
End of Days
Bleach 1-...... AND THE LIST GOES ON.
Everyone, please wish me GAMBATE and all the best ya.

Well, that's post-exam syndrome obviously... Geez.. :-)


ZM said...

And, and... Going to watch "Alien VS Predator 2" also. Googled it up and it seems that it will be released on 4 Dec 2007.

I am waiting....

Sihan said...

relly xiao one.....

ej said...

hahah.. bleach.. i also following this anime.. but also reading the manga together wit naruto manga. ^_^!

ZM said...

[Sihan] This is not called siao. Welcome to my life!

[ej] Yeah, that's the way it is, dude... ^_^ Let's enjoy the creativity of the Japanese for an instance.

Anonymous said... golden compass and read the books~~~~~ cant wait to c the movie d~~

Sihan said...

You watch movies, I read books, I have more than 10 books awaiting me, sharks....

ZM said...

Yup... I plan to read books as well.
Any books to suggest?