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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hospital Attachment (Day 4)

This is the last day of my attachment. No hard feelings or anything... Just mere enlightenment into the career as a medical practitioner.
  1. went to a lecture on diabetic retinopathy in the auditorium
  2. the lecture was attended by most of the MO's and specialists
  3. learned that laser treatment can never improve one's vision, but it serves to retard the deterioration of the eye due to this disease. (in some cases, the patient's vision deteriorated after undergoing treatment with laser - [50/50 chances of successful treatment])
  4. got an introduction to the wireless monitoring system which has just been implemented in the hospital. It will ease the work of the hospital staffs whereby they do not have to go bed-to-bed to collect the patients' data. There is a centralised wireless system in every ward. Guess the people have begun to make good use of technology. A good sign....
  5. spent the whole morning in the A&E (Accident and Emergency) ward
  6. learnt from one of the MO's about certain medical terms.... such as ORTHOPNOEA ( Thanks 'anonymous' for that piece of info. Appreciate it very much. :-) ) which is a term used to describe a patient having difficulties to sleep while lying flat. For instance, this term is applied when the patient complains that he or she can only sleep with 3 or more pillows
  7. the MO also told us that in history taking, we will record what a patient says in a layman-style of writing, such as shortness of breath or its abbreviation, "SOB". However, in the examination report, we should use the medical term to discribe this symptom... The medical term starts with a "T"... (haha, should anyone know what the real term is, please do tell me yah.. Couldn't catch properly what the doc had said) - [Now, I have the answer thanks to Joo Ken. It is tachypnoea.]
  8. feeling tired after doing some work is termed as decreased in effort tolerance
  9. I also learned how to stitch up a wound. It's easy really... just three knots will do, but we need to make sure the wound is really clean first to avoid possible infections and to have good stitching skills, sufficient practice is a must
  10. something struck me real deep today... When I was standing at the entrance of the hospital, an old man suddenly approached me and asked me why was I so relaxed... Shouldn't I be working? I replied that I was going back. Then, I noticed that my white cloak was in my hand... It was the cloak which deceived the man's eyes. And again, the man asked what time am I going to start working tomorrow. Haha, my white lab cloak is certainly a perfect deception... Do I really look so much like a doc? There had been patients who approached and asked me questions... Come on lah... I really don't have any decent knowledge in the medical field. My look can really con people, but it is really a good thing that people tend to think that I am a qualified and registered MO :P


Anonymous said...

"learnt from one of the MO's about certain medical terms.... such as opthalneaea (I guess...but could not find any meaning which matches this term in the med dictionary) which is a term used to describe a patient having difficulties to sleep while lying flat. For instance, this term is applied when the patient complains that he or she can only sleep with 3 or more pillows"


ZM said...

Haha... Thanks anonymous.. I have been waiting for the answer.. Who are you?

ayjk said...

Is the T word tachypnoea??

ZM said...

Yeah... Guess that's the word for it.. Haha. Feel so glad to have med buddies...
Then, you must be "Mr Anonymous", right???

ayjk said...

No I'm not..definitely still have to find who your Ms/Mr Anonymous is :P

ZM said...

Haha.. Okay. :)