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Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Tribute to Eu Jeen and Shwu Jing

To Eu Jeen,
So long old friend... We have known each other since kindergarden. There are so many stories to tell....too many to squeeze into one post. Perhaps I will blog about it from time to time. Good luck for your future undertakings in the University of Michigan (UMICH). Well, I am still stucked here in INTEC. Haha.... But I guess there are pros and cons. When's your next holiday, dude? I think you prefer staying in the States during the holidays. lolz... as the cost of flight ticket is rather astronomical. Simple economic sense I would say... Oh no, I am sounding like Shou Lee. Lolz..... Well, old friend.... You have proven yourself a good challenger and competitor in all possible terms. That's the spirit of students from Sekolah Menengah Chung Hwa Wei Sin (SMCHWS), right? You had carried well your duties as the Vice Captain of the school, Drum Major of Pancaragam Swadaya 2004/2005 and most importantly, as a friend. I don't think the juniors can do any better. Sorry for not being able to be at the airport that day as I was having my IELTS trial exam.

To Shwu Jing,
You have silently carved a name in the our heart. And, in the same way, you had silently left us for Canada. Good luck to you too, o' our favourite class monitor. Without realising it, you had carried the heavy burden as a class monitor for such long years. No complaints uttered by you though sometimes, we could be very demanding and rebellious. I can still vividly remember the day you were elected as our class monitor...and since then, the position is specially reserved for you. hahaha......! Felt so glad to have you as our class monitor. You will always be our favourite class monitor yeah.... In my memories, there's no days spent with other class monitor but you which is worth cherishing for a very, very long time to come.

I do not wish to sound nostalgic here as I am leaving KT for Shah Alam in 11-hour time. Haiz...... Will miss KT awfully lot.

Anyhow, bon voyage to these two good friends of mine......



ej said...

thank you very much man!
i really do cherish our friendship! you're one of my childhood friends whom i'd definitely keep in touch till the end of time.. lol!

u've kept me encouraged thru our high school years with your great talent, dilligence and stamina. with that i respect you much. now we're all going to strecth our wings far and wide in our respective fields.

i wish you all the best.
you'd do well.
i know you would.

friends forever,

Anonymous said...

i never realised that you had written this post for me till you mentioned about it just few seconds ago..
thanks a lot hey..

we have our own destiny and have to move on with courage..
thanks for being a good fren of mine in wei sin high school..
class monitor==shui yu??
though i had to 'endure' all the sufferings when i was the class monitor of 5sc1, i enjoy it so much..
and i will never forget every single sweet moments that we had spent in out high school..

about ur suggestion for me to write blogss..hmm..
seriously, i m so lazy to update it as often as u guys..
but i would want u guys to know how's my life in Canada..
i might do as u suggested..

wish you all the best here..
keep in touch always..
our 5sc1 brain-master: lee zhaoming...

take care always...,