A few days ago, I received a letter from INTEC regarding the re-registration for the new semester.
Well, it did not contain my End-of-Semester results, but just some usual "Pekeliling" and details.
Then, there's a section which demands every student to pay RM85.00 to Bendahari UiTM via Bank Islam. The bill could be printed from INTEC's web portal after 17 Disember according to the letter.
But, I was just too free that I would not mind to take a look at my bill before 17. I was kind of startled to find that I had bill amounting to RM7960.00. Luckily, PSD is paying that. That's certainly a huge figure for one semester of A-Levels......
....in one regular plus inextraordinary public institution of higher learning.
You may argue that INTEC is special in terms of its students who consists of scholars, but it's still an IPTA alright. And IPTA usually charges that amount of money for Degree programmes. It is also worth noting that INTI and various other colleges provide free A-Levels studies for those who obtain 10 A's and above in SPM. Therefore, if one deserves to be in INTEC, what probably is the need for PSD to foot the students' astronomical A-Levels bill when we can get it free elsewhere. Perhaps it is a mean to regulate our economy... but I see it as a non-sensible one. It's just so cruel of INTEC to "rob" PSD of that amount of money on a yearly basis. If one day all our institutions of higher learning were to fail and be at the threshold of bankruptcy, INTEC will certainly be the last man standing due to the generous yearly funding by the government.
That's not the end of my grudge...
After 17 Disember which is a couple of days ago, I happily printed out the bill and went to Bank Islam to pay my re-registration fee of RM85.00. It's just so tedious and troublesome... I had to fill in a form and waited for more than one hour before I was served by the officer. I dug out exactly RM85 from my pocket just to find out that an additional commission fee of RM1 had to be charged. I just couldn't believe my ears when the officer told me so.... In fact, I was rather taken aback by that. As far as I am concerned, all IPTA students have to pay their registration fee via Bank Islam at an extra cost of RM1 as well. Imagine this.... The bank earns RM1 per head. And there are supposedly thousands and thousands of IPTA students. To make it simple, Bank Islam earns quite a fortune by basically doing nothing. Easy money...yeah, that's what they used to call it... Now, there's this new subtle term of "regulating the country's economy".
We never learn to improve, don't we?
Malaysians as a whole have a nasty habit of finding the easier way out in almost everything.
Forgive me for this harsh statement of generalisation. No one is victimised in this matter but everyone does hold a sure responsibility.