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Saturday, December 1, 2007


“You know, that old Christmas story about the man who wanted to buy a present for his wife, and he sold the only thing of value he owned – his father’s pocket watch – to buy her a hair clip for her long beautiful hair. Meanwhile, the wife cut her hair and sold it in order to earn enough money to buy gold chain for the man’s watch.”

“It’s beautiful and so romantic in a bittersweet sort of way,” Hermione said, smiling sadly.

-Adapted from “Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows”- [the fake one :P]


Anonymous said...

That is from the FAKE HP&tDH. The real book makes no mention of that passage WHATSOEVER. Buy the book, for crying out loud.

ZM said...

hehz.... hey.. U actually know this. U r the first to realise this...
I tot no one will ever notice this forever. BRAVO...!
Kaka.... I just googled up the difference btw original HP books and fake ones... There's a list about it and I simply love this line. I think it will fit very nicely into JK's writing. :)