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Saturday, December 1, 2007

And the List Grows

Have just finished watching
X-Men 1
X-Men 2
X-Men 3
Species 1

Have watched Bleach till episode 50, Heroes 2nd Season till episode 7. Oh my, oh my...

Feng Shui master believes that a harmonic balance between "ying" and "yang" is extremely essential. I am a strong believer of it too. Therefore, I am reading "Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows". Just started yesterday... To date, I have only reached Chapter Four due to numerous distractions. A few philosophical books are on the to-read list as well.

*sigh* I am thrashing myself very much during this break. Hope that my mind will be quite in the readiness to resolve and accept the upcoming challenges in my last semester. What I am doing right now certainly do not seem to bode well with my EDEXCEL external examination. All these madness will come to an end soon enough... erm... most probably in 3-week time if everything is going on smoothly according to schedule. ^_^!!!


Te Ying said...

Wow, envy u very much!!
If I can choose, I rather read those books, hehe...

ZM said...

Hehe... Worry not. I will envy you in two more months to come.
GAMBATEH for your EDEXCEL external exam ya... Do your best and it will guarantee your entry into UNISA.